Other Interests
- Yoga
- Dance
Newly found Joys
- Breathwork
- ‘On the spot’ Gratitude
- Skygazing with my son
I essentially stepped into photography as a way to escape to an alternate reality, a place where I can experience larger than life existence. And becoming a newborn baby photographer gave me everything that I hoped for and MUCH more.
The more magic I created ( in the form of images) the more it dawned on me deeply, that I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find joy, it is right here in THIS moment
– all I have to do is to change MY perspective
All of my life’s indelible experiences led me to become a creative. All the time spent in doodling, drawing, styling, creating & day dreaming led me to become a photographer My constant search for meaning through the view finder made me what I am today.
Being a cancerian moon, I have an innate need to NURTURE and protect. What other great job could I have ended up with to secretly use my inborn abilities to pursue a TRUE CALLING
The amplified lunar qualities of emotion & empathy makes me not only the photographer who values connection but the best caretaker you would’ve ever come across for your baby.